Strategies for managing safety are important in protecting employers and employees from major hazards in the workplace. Implementing safety systems and strategies can be complicated and time consuming. Employing a safety consultant can help you to meet legal obligations and improve safety in your workplace.
Quality Safety Training and Consulting solutions
PeopleSafe Australia is a registered training organisation (RTO Provider number 91596) that delivers nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET). We comply with NSW Legislative and Regulatory requirements and with the VET Quality Framework (VQF).
Our services include safety training courses, safety management system reviews, safety audits, and systems development and implementation. In addition we can provide skilled workplace health and safety resources with placements within your organisation.
We cater for employees at the coalface, right through to senior management with solutions relevant and applicable to each part of the organisation.
Our mission
PeopleSafe Australia is committed to providing first class safety training and consulting. We will offer excellence in service, value all stakeholders, and support the process for continuous improvement.
Our team
PeopleSafe Australia employs qualified safety professionals. Our health and safety consultants have held senior safety management roles and have tertiary degrees in health or safety, human resources, science, or engineering. Our consultants are also first class trainers, hand chosen for their ability to bring real life experience into the classroom in a dynamic and enjoyable way that makes safety training both interesting and rewarding. All our trainers hold Nationally Recognised Training qualifications.
Our Clients
Our clients, span across a range of different industries and include household names such as NSW Public Works, Vittoria Coffee, Department of Defence, Sydney Opera House, Orix, Mirvac, The Master Builders Association of NSW and Avant Insurance. Our aim is to provide commercially realistic and relevant services no matter what industry or organisation size.